Students Walk to School for Exercise and Fun

Advocates for Health in Action (AHA) reported that at least 14 Wake County schools participated in the National Walk to School Day event Wednesday, Oct. 5. “Walking is one of the best physical activities in our community—it’s free, there are numerous greenways, and it helps communities identify safer routes for getting to school,” said Laura Aiken, director of AHA and WakeMed Community Outreach.

Schools celebrated Walk to School Day in a variety of ways, and some launched programs to encourage walking to school more frequently.  AHA works with schools and PTAs across Wake County to encourage healthy choices and provide practical solutions and tools to meet and exceed local wellness policies. The John Rex Endowment provides funding support for AHA to help shape the environment so healthful eating and physical activity are the way of life for everyone living in Wake County.
Learn more about AHA and School Health